The plant was established in the year 1930 with an open pan boiling plant. It was converted to vaccum pan boiling plant in the year 1933. The crushing capacity of the plant was increased to 900 TCD in the year 1963-64 with the availability of electric power from U.P. State Electricity Board. Initially, the factory had started working under the name and style of M/s Laxmi Sugar Mills Ltd. which was subsequently changes to M/s Vijay Sugar Corporation Ltd. during the season 1940-1941. The factory went into liquidation in the year 1950 and was thereafter run under the name and style of M/s Janki Sugar Mills & Co. Ltd. as a partnership concern. In the year 1956 the management of the factory was taken over by /the Central Government which managed it till September 1962. After that the factory was restored to the same partners. Subsequently dispute arose between the partners and the factory was managed for two years by a receiver appointed by the court. The management of the facotry was again restored to the partners in October 1966 which continued till March 1971. Thereafter due to cane arrears, the Government appointed a reciever who managed the factory in February 1973. The management of the factory was taken over by M/s U.P. State Sugar Corporation Ltd., Lucknow with effect from 01-02-1973, which had been managed the same through a General Manager till 28-10-1984, when the factory was acquired by U.P. State Sugar Corporation Ltd.
In view of the plant and machinery being very old and obsolute, besides unviable capacity, U.P. State Sugar Corporation decided to expand and modernize the plant to 2500 TCD to make the unit financially viable. The new plant of 2500 TCD was installed adjacent ot the existing plant and commissioned in the year 1989-90.
When the state of Uttaranchal came into existence on 09-11-2000, the unit Doiwala of U.P. State Sugar Corporation Ltd., Lucknow was transferred to the state of Uttaranchal on 16-01-2002, transforming this unit into a company under the name "Doiwala Sugar Company Ltd. Doiwala", having its registered office at Doiwala.